If you are bored this weekend it’s b/c you want to be, 🤣. Coastal VA is jam packed with activities & I’ve highlighted a few for you. 

•At VB Town Center (where Independence & VA Blvd meet) they are hosting live music nightly every weekend until sometime in September and every Wednesday as well. Head out people watch, shop, eat,drink (lots of places have outdoor seating) and enjoy some tunes! 

•You can pretty much go to any brewery in town & be at a party. I did some searching & the all have a 4th of July themed party this weekend. 

•The news making Floatopia is back but this time they have coordinated with the city. Bring a float or a boat & join hundreds (if not thousands) of beach goers at the bay starting at 9am Saturday. Parking isn’t great so use Uber or Lyft or if you are close enough, walk! Be sure to clean up after yourself (we don’t wanna make the news again!) & don’t bring pets or glass containers. 

•In this town, it’s hard to miss the fireworks. They are everywhere! But if you want to see a professional show, check out the places I’ve mentioned below. Plan ahead, & get there early. 

Some low key ideas are having a bbq, taking a bike ride, closing all the blinds & binge watching part two of Stranger Things, watching Jaws or simply making some Fourth of July themed snacks & drinks and relaxing. Enjoy it! 🎆🇺🇸🍔🍻


Jeremy Stansbury
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