Million Dollar Listings in Coastal VA

Situated along the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay, Coastal VA is a bustling city, a chill beach town and a sleepy rural county all at the same time. A 30 minute drive can take you from open fields and road side veggie stands to miles of ocean or sprakling skyline of Norfolk. An area with this much to offer attracts a diverse population and for many, its a place to build and enjoy a luxurious home, surrounded by the beauty of Southern VA. Homes listed below are priced for 1 million or higher. Some are sprawling mansions with sought after views, others are full of amenities like high end fixtures, a pool or out buildings. Scroll through and check back often as new listings are added as soon as the hit the market. For a more customized search, call or email me at 17572895352. 

Jeremy Stansbury
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