Buying a home has a lot of moving pieces & can seem overwhelming, but don’t worry, I’ve done this a few hundred times & I’ve got a system. My team & I will guide you through the process.

First, we find your house! Once we decide on a home, we submit an offer. I will suggest what to offer but ultimately YOU are in the drivers seat. If our offer is accepted, the seller will sign our offer and we are under contract. If they don’t sign, but instead counter with another offer, we are not under contract. Every time an offer is changed prior to BOTH parties signing, the offer is still in play. Either party can walk away. Once both parties agree, then the property is under contract & negotiations will cease.

Next, you must submit your EMD (earnest money deposit). Have it ready! This is a show of good faith to the seller and it must be presented asap. Write the check out to Exit Realty Professionals. It will be deposited in a specific account, to be held until closing or another qualifying event.


If you asked to have a home inspection, this must occur within the time frame agreed upon in the contract. Usually 5-7 days. Home inspectors typically offer  times and can’t work around our personal schedules. Their job takes 2-3 hours so they will usually offer a 9am, 12:30pm and a 3:30pm appointment. You don’t need to be there for the whole appointment. In fact, most inspectors prefer that you are not, as it might distract them or slow things down. A too many cooks in the kitchen type situation! Rest assured, I will be there to let them in & I will stay there the whole appointment. You should arrive for the last half hour or so to listen to the inspectors report, ask any questions & pay the inspector. It’s typically $300-$400 depending on the size of the home. The inspector will have inspected everything from windows to appliances to the siding. It’s a very thorough process but please remember, they can’t see through walls or predict the future, so not every concern will be revealed in a home inspection. If the items found are of great concern, we can ask the seller to fix them. This doesn’t guarantee they will. If the inspection reveals problems you can’t get fixed by the seller & don’t want to worry about, we might discuss walking away from the home and starting our search over again. I have been to hundreds of inspections & will use my experience & know-how to advise you on your options. Many times inspectors will find lots of little things that they must point out but, really aren’t a big deal. You will get a full copy of the report so we can discuss the results together after taking a moment to read it.

Once the home inspection is settled, any additional inspections that are required such as a termite inspection, will be done. My team will arrange them. Don’t worry, it’s unlikely you need to attend these. Within 48 hours of closing, we will do a final walk thru of the home. This is to make sure everything the sellers said they fixed got fixed, the home is left in the condition you agreed it should be in & nothing drastic has changed (such as a tree limb in the upstairs bedroom). The next & last stop is at my title company’s office to sign the papers! If you are borrowing money from a lender, they will have provided you with a breakdown of costs prior to closing so there shouldn’t be any surprises at this appointment. My title group will have already researched the title to ensure it’s clear of any clouds, liens or anything else that would be a roadblock. Lots & lots of papers are signed ( this can take over a hour) then the house is yours! Congratulations!

Jeremy Stansbury
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