The first day of Summer was Wednesday, but the weather here in Hampton Roads didn't seem get the memo! We have had heavy rains, high wind and generally tough weather these past few weeks, but there are a few silver linings to appreciate. One, flower and vegetable gardens are having the best week ever and two, if you are considering a neighborhood, now is a great time to see if it floods! Drive through and scope out the lawns for standing water or like in my neighborhood, rushing rivers that used to be sidewalks! Thankfully, in most cases, once the heavy rain subsides, the flooding does too. 

So, what do you do if the area you love does have a flooding problem? Well, plan on getting floor insurance. Even if you are not in a 'flood zone' and it isn't required, it might be a good idea. Our entire area is at sea level, and it would not take much to quickly be under sea level. Flood insurance is not very expensive in the grand scheme of things and is probably worth considering and in some cases, required. 

Is there any way to offset a mushy backyard? 

YES! If your yard gets soggy and mosquito-filled after every rain, there are some steps you can take to improve the situation. 

First, unless they are dead or touching the house, do not remove trees. Trees need a lot of water to survive and will happily suck up excess rainwater. Remove the trees and all the water they were drinking will remain in the yard. Plus, trees add shade, reducing the cost of cooling your home. We all know the difference between getting in a car that has been sitting in the shade vs getting in a car that has been baking in the sun. It's dramatic and downright uncomfortable! Your home is no different. No trees mean no shade and that means direct sun and higher AC bills. I'll take a few trees and keep my money in my own pocket! 

Another option you may consider is putting a French Drain in your yard, typically where you see water pooling. Giving the water somewhere to go will help prevent standing water or worse, water accumulating at the base of the house. 

If small steps don't yield good results, you may want to consider hiring a professional to grade the lawn properly. They will make sure the water is directed away from the house and help alleviate flood zones. We did this at my house when we installed the pool and it really improved the water flow. We also dug a french drain and have numerous tress in the yard. Yes, this means a lot of raking leaves in the Fall, but I tell myself it's good exercise so it's no big deal. And a beer or two while raking doesn't hurt either! 

At the end of the day, we are at sea level and some localized flooding is to be expected. Stay insured, landscape mindfully, be a tree hugger and when necessary, hire the right people. If all these measures fail, give me a call and let's sell the house and search for drier land! 

Have a great weekend and please let me know if you have any questions regarding selling, buying or accessing the value of home improvements. 


Jeremy Stansbury
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