Next week is Thanksgiving. Not sure how that happened. Feels like just yesterday I was trying to find time to get a quick dip in the pool to cool off & now I’m cranking up the space heater in my office so I can feel my fingers! And just as the weather has changed, so has the market. A lot. Except one thing remains the same: low inventory. It was low in February, low in May and here it is in November & it’s still low. And while interest rates have slowed down the buyer crazy train (and it was off the rails a bit! ) there are still folks shopping. So today I want to touch on selling your home during the holidays & answer some commonly asked questions. 

Do decorate or not to decorate, that is the question! My answer is, if you like it, go for it. Just box up non holiday stuff and be sure the house does not get cluttered. A well placed scented candle & some holly looks festive. A decorated Christmas tree is cheerful! However, not to sound like the Grinch, but a tightly packed room with Christmas bursting at the seams with wholesome, happy memories may make your heart swell, is it’s largely unappealing to buyers. Keep it simple & remember, you are trying to welcome buyers & create an opportunity for them to see themselves in the home. 

Would it be better to wait until after the holidays? For some, sure. For you? Maybe, or maybe not. I can’t predict the future but I CAN look at trends and home values trended up all year. This was because low interest rates boosted buyer activity. The higher rates we have now won’t do that. If anything, we could see values decrease. It all depends on the market, economy & what buyers do over the next few months. Selling now could yield you better results then waiting. 

I’ve tried to sell & it didn’t work. Should I try again? To answer, I’ll poise another question. If I brought you a great offer today, would you take it? Would you pursue the plans you had before? If so, yes, try again. This time, my wife & I will list it. There are many reasons homes don’t sell the first go around but if the plans you had still interest you, go after them! Selling your home is possible. Call, email or text to get started!

Jeremy Stansbury
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